Thursday, 19 April 2018

learn more!

learning from mistakes is an interesting idea, you can learn in other ways but its commonly understood we must fail in order to grow. can you be wrong in art? I suppose the only way you can be wrong is if you are trying to draw something precisely, it is wrong if it doesn't look like the subject matter. (or within illustration it is wrong if it doesn't answer the brief)
I need to draw more from life otherwise I cannot fail, I cant be wrong if I'm not trying to be right. I need to try to be right in order to be wrong in order to learn and grow. I need to push my traditional drawing skills, life drawing/still life etc etc. this will allow more room to fail and thus more room to succeed.

My mistakes this year make me realise my ability to learn from my mistakes is non existent... i always seem to leave things to the last minute then panic and stress more than i need to when it would have been easier if i were to just do it steadily and continually throughout the year. I am growing out of my laziness slowly but i think that my priorities were focusing on making art and thinking about things rather than blogging individual study tasks when they were set. It will be different with 601. 

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