Tuesday, 18 December 2018

end of module evaluation

 Throughout this project I have been continually wrestling with the topic I was most interested in. I think that the way I approach research led briefs like this is self destructive and idiotic, i was too indecisive for too long and this lead me to feeling like the project was just getting rolling with only a few weeks before the deadline. I did not formally agree with myself what the essay would be about until it was too late to really get stuck in with making the perfect practical responses. I found myself interested in so many different elements of the topics that I was researching that I quickly became ‘distracted’ from the specific line of enquiry required to write a focused essay. I have found it very difficult to stop myself from being interested in related but not relevant topics throughout my research. I would not say that there is clearly much evidence of synthesis between the work and the essay i am worried that essay feels like a jumbled mess of facts and i don't think i wrote about the most pertinent case studies after changing/evolving my essay title so many times. I feel let down by my lack of structured self imposed time management, I don't feel like I am done with this project and I will continue to explore making and performing within masks in the future. In particular i would have loved to explore more 3d materials to make masks from namely wood carving, latex moulds and more ceramic explorations. There is so much more I would love to try and so many more different avenues of this topic that this project could have taken. I would have liked to have explored. I feel like I would happily start the entire project again. Despite feeling slightly deflated and disappointed I have undoubtedly learnt a lot of new things. In particular i feel like my knowledge of Adobe after effects has come on leaps and bounds and i would now say that i am a confident user of the program. I feel like my interests within art and illustration has been shaped dramatically by this project. I am especially proud of the video work created in this project and a handful of the prints although i feel like i should have spent more development time planning specific aims and intentions for my work this year, the context is lacking so i feel like my work is potentially less interesting than it could have been had successfully emulated a real life ritual dance for example. I feel like i have not been organised enough to clearly display the extent of my journey throughout this project and i have a feeling of shame to do with my lack of focus and time management. I have had glimpses of success feeling like i am getting somewhere but then i lose focus and my worry overrides any positive feelings. I am very glad this topic is over and i am looking forward to starting a fresh in the new year.


Thursday, 13 December 2018

Feedback from the mega crit

Feedback from this crit was supportive and mostly positive, it was slightly too close to the end to be able to make any changes to my project. I regret not bringing in the physical costumes to display alongside my 2d work. However i feel like the work was fairly self explanatory. Once again it was a fairly un-insightful crit in terms of knowing how to improve my work. Our peer group are all very kind and never seem to be brutally critical which i feel is what some of us would prefer/need. I appreciate that some people would not want harsh critical feedback and i imagine the tutors has been told to stay fairly impartial but i do not feel like this leads to the most effective useful outcomes after crits. It nice to have a clearly understanding of your shortcomings and where you need to shift your focus, rather than being told well done and keep going for example.