Monday, 24 April 2017

visual journal PLAN

In my visual journal I will create drawings of political struggle. Using red and blue as a motif throughout I will draw images representing the fight for power and the ridiculousness of the society in which we live. I will try to draw the idea of public relations, the normalisation of violence and the unjust, greedy nature of the consumer capitalist society in which we live. I will try to use humour to bring light to serious socio-political issues and attempt to create satirical political cartoons. I want to make drawings that would influence the viewers opinion or at least make them think twice about the preconceived ideas they hold. I will try to subvert iconography for ulterior motives, using familiarity to ease viewers into a deeper debate about the reality of the world in which we live. I also want to make drawing illustrating current events within politics as this is a particularly interesting/worrying time, with an rich moneygrabbing unelected prime-minister in the uk and in idotic redfaced buisnessman as the leader of the ‘free world’ 

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